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    Program ISO(For School!)


    Posts : 288
    Join date : 2010-02-19
    Age : 31
    Location : Cali

    Program ISO(For School!) Empty Program ISO(For School!)

    Post by Jay Fri Dec 10, 2010 1:18 am

    I'm looking for a way I can remotely view processes running on a computer.


    I'm a tech at school, more specifically for 3 of my 5 classes. Me and my other tech friend in charge of keeping the computers running as well as possible. We run a program called "Vision" made by the company "GenevaLogic", which allows up to view/remote control their screens, block their internet access, and run programs remotely from the tech computer in the back.

    I created a few scripts using VBS(Visual Basic Script) that run *.BAT files in the background that run on a loop, so it'll close specific windows when they open it(The computers run on a domain, and most website are blocked, but not Facebook or YouTube). For example:

    I use Vision's "App Control" to remotely runs this:


    Set WshShell = CreatObject("WScript.Shell")
    WshShell.Run chr(34) & "C:\VBS\KillYouTube.BAT" & chr(34), 0
    Set WshShell = Nothing

    Which will run a .BAT file in the background that does this:


    taskkill /fi "WindowTitle eq YouTube*"
    taskkill /fi "WindowTitle eq*"
    taskkill /fi "WindowTitle eq You Tube*"
    goto :e

    goto :e makes it go back to the beginning so the .BAT runs in the background and every time they go to the website "" the .BAT reads the Window Title and closes it.

    Except if they kill the process "cmd.exe" it turns it off.

    There are 2 computer classrooms, with 2 different teachers(Next door to each other), and the teachers are best friends. But they have different techs(Me and my friend Kyler have been techs for 1 of the teachers for a few years, and the other teacher has a tech named Levi[Uber faggot, everyone hates him]). Our teacher made us share the program with Levi so they could do it over there, but Levi being the fag he is, decided to tell a few people about it(The files are all ran on the same server that all of the computers can access because they are on a domain)

    Well now the the word is out, some of the kids have copied those script, and edited them to close our programs(In the background so we can't see it OFC)

    I could easily make a way for them to not do this, but I'd prefer to have a program that can remotely view their processes so that I have proof they are doing it, and so I can not only keep them from doing it, but also manage their computers easier(When installing and testing stuff on each computer), and also inform the teacher of who we need to keep and eye on.

    I'd prefer if it was in something like Visual Basics or what ever that I can edit if need be.

    Like a C++ program or "Microsoft Visual Basic Express" where there are projects that I can just open, edit, and recompile.

    Also: If it had an option to end the process that would be AMAZING too.


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